We are all aware of the negative impact bad habits have on our lives. We all know how bad habits can impact our quality of life, whether it is staying up late or drinking too little water. Even bad habits can affect our driving safety. Other bad habits, however, can have deadly and dangerous consequences. We will talk about bad driving habits, and how to stop them.

The discussion below should shed some light on bad driving habits. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney if a driver causes you harm in a Las Vegas car accident. Personal injury lawyers will protect your rights, and help you to receive the maximum compensation.

In car accident claims, time is critical. Do not delay – have our Las Vegas accident attorneys review your case. Some people are afraid of the cost and avoid hiring an accident attorney. No need to worry about cost. Our attorneys are not paid until they win your case. Call Anthem Injury Attorneys and schedule a no-cost consultation.

Bad Driving Habits – Using Your Phone while Driving

Distracted driving is any activity that diverts your attention from the task of driving safely. Distracted driving is a common occurrence when you are looking at your phone. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states:

Break the Habit

It is difficult to break the habit of looking at your phone when driving. Our phones can be highly addictive.

Sometimes, if you are having trouble breaking a bad habit, it’s necessary to remove temptation. It may be time to remove your phone from the driving area if you are constantly reaching for it or looking at it while driving. Keep your phone out of sight while driving. Find a place to store your phone before you start driving. You can use the glove box, the backseat or the trunk. Be careful not to reach for your phone while driving.

It is not necessary to keep the phone inaccessible forever. You can only do this for a short time to get rid of the habit.

A personal injury lawyer can help you if you have been injured by a driver who is distracted. A lawyer will help you navigate the complications of a distracted driving accident and protect your rights. Call Anthem Injury Attorneys at (702) 857-9000 to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

Bad Driving Habits – Not Buckling up

When you are behind the wheel, it is easy to forget your seat belt. You can also forget to wear your seatbelt when you’re just making a quick stop at the gas station or store. Not buckling up could cost you your own life. Unbelted drivers are responsible for 22 percent of car accidents in Nevada. The single best thing you can do for your safety in an accident is to buckle up.

Break the Habit

It is often easier to stop something (reaching for the phone) than to begin something (buckling yourself up). How can you stop the habit of not fastening your seatbelt? It’s up to you to find a solution that works for your situation. Here are some suggestions.

Speeding is a Bad Driving Habit

You may feel tempted to speed up to keep up with the traffic in Las Vegas. Even if you drive with the traffic flow, it is possible that you may be speeding unintentionally. In Nevada, speed is responsible for almost one third all traffic fatalities.

Break the Habit

Drivers speed for a variety of reasons. It can be due to inattention. Sometimes it’s due to inattention. It is best to become aware of the problem. Be aware of speed limit signs, and choose not to exceed them. Use your cruise control if you are prone to putting the pedal to metal.

Bad Driving Habits – Rolling through Intersections

Rolling through intersections is one of the worst driving habits. As a pedestrian or driver, intersections can be dangerous. In Nevada, over the last five years

Break the Habit

Rolling through intersections is a bad habit that can be broken with practice and time. Pay attention to the red light and stop completely when you see it. Red lights and stop signs are included. Your vehicle should be stopped completely. Look both ways after you’ve stopped at the stop sign. Stopping on red at intersections instead of continuing on can help you to break the habit.

Bad Driving Habits – Not using your turn signal

By using your turn signal, you can let other drivers and pedestrians know where your vehicle will be traveling. This is essential for safe driving. You can also plan your movements with your vehicle by using your turn signal. The safety of everyone is at risk when drivers don’t turn their signal.

Break the Habit

It is safer to use your turn signals instead of your bad driving habit. How do you achieve this? Overusing your signal is one of the best ways to develop a habit. Start by turning a lot in parking garages and lots of parking lots. In these areas, you should use your turn signal excessively. You will develop the habit of turning on your signal at these times.

EXPERIENCED Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyers

The above tips are meant to help you change some bad driving habits. You should consult an experienced personal injury attorney if you are injured by a driver during a Las Vegas accident. Many people are unsure why they should hire a personal lawyer. A personal injury attorney will protect your rights, and ensure that you get the maximum compensation possible for your injuries.

The choice of an accident attorney is one of your most important decisions. You should choose a Las Vegas lawyer who can help you win your case. Anthem Injury Lawyers can help you. Our experts give you the best chance to receive top compensation. Call Anthem Injury Attorneys at (702) 857-9000 to schedule a no-cost consultation.

The post How to Break Bad Driving Habits first appeared on Injury Lawyers Anthem.

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