You may consider filing a claim for personal injury if you were injured due to the negligence of another person. This will allow you to get fair compensation and recover any losses you have suffered. A personal injury lawsuit is complicated and can result in your claim being thrown out.

We provide individualized legal support for injured people to receive the compensation they are entitled to. You shouldn’t have to deal with high medical costs, lost wages and pain and suffering on someone else’s dime. Detroit follows a personal injury process to ensure you receive the fair and full compensation that you deserve.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation on Personal Injury

The average consultation for a personal injury takes 30 minutes to an hour. This meeting is free and used to gather information and evaluate the case.

Evidence is the key to personal injury cases. The stronger our claim is, the more evidence we can provide. Gather the following information before you arrive at the law office.

Civil lawsuits can also include property damage. Bring copies of the insurance policies and estimates of losses. Our clients are also advised to keep records of any attempts made by the insurance company to settle out-of-court for pennies on a dollar. If you hire an attorney to handle your personal injury claim the settlement offer will likely increase.

Personal Injury Claim investigation

It may be necessary, once you’ve hired a Detroit personal injuries lawyer to handle your claim, to investigate the accident as well as the actions of the negligent party. Let’s say, for example, that you were involved in a serious accident with a semi truck. A CDL holder may have a record that indicates a pattern of speeding or unsafe driving. The U.S. Department of Transportation monitors the actions of heavy-duty truck drivers. While this is just one example, it may indicate a pattern. You may want to investigate the following.

Investigating these items and others may require returning to the scene and looking for patterns of behavior.

Document Damages in Personal Injury Claims

Our legal team will calculate your total out of pocket expenses once all the relevant information is gathered. We then use our experience and knowledge of personal injury cases to estimate your future expenses. This is an important aspect of personal injury claims that can be misunderstood.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the areas where a professional with experience in evaluating future expenses can be useful. These types of personal injury cases used to be undervalued. Victims suffered decades of reduced quality of life and rehabilitation costs as well as lost wages.

We can now put a dollar value on TBI’s impact on daily life. It’s important to hire a personal injury lawyer in Detroit who has the experience and knowledge necessary to accurately calculate your losses.

Settlements Negotiated Prior to Filing

We give the other party a chance before filing official paperwork in court and serving the negligent parties. Your Detroit personal injury lawyer, armed with the concise loss figures and information in hand contacts insurance companies or opposing counsel for a settlement.

This phase is often seen as a way to save money by the other side. When compared to a personal injury attorney with a strong case, the theory goes that settling will save you money on legal fees. Settlements made before filing also remove the X-factor, which is the possibility of a jury awarding punitive damage. We can complete the paperwork if the other party makes a reasonable offer of compensation for your loss. We move on to the next step if not.

Personal Injury Lawsuits

A lawsuit is a clear sign that you, along with your personal injury lawyer, are ready to take the case to court to obtain compensation. The court will file the formal complaint, and all parties at fault and their representatives will be summoned. The filing will include all damages, along with the total compensation requested. In this phase of personal injury litigation, the negligent party has up to 21 calendar days to respond. Don’t be surprised, however, if the negligent party makes a more generous offer in order to avoid court fees and a jury verdict.

Discovery Process

Both sides must exchange information about the incident, injuries, losses and other relevant items. Discovery is meant to help both sides understand and evaluate a claim. If the case proceeds to trial, you will need to make affirmative arguments as well as defenses. Many times, parties come back to the negotiation table after gaining a greater understanding of their personal injury lawsuits and compensation.

Mediation and Settlement

Only a small percentage of personal injury cases go to trial. This is largely due to the fact that the parties and court systems prefer to streamline the procedure by encouraging parties to reach an agreement through mediation. Mediation involves making an argument and presenting facts to a neutral arbitrator. This is a more cost-effective option than a civil court trial. The outcome of non-binding mediators will give you a rough estimate of the compensation that a jury or judge would award.


Do not be surprised if the opposing attorney makes a reasonable proposal just before the trial is about to start. Nobody wants to be left at the mercy the court system, because they lose control of the outcome. If a settlement is not possible, your Detroit personal injury lawyer team will make an exhaustive case to win a compensation award.

You can get a personalized legal support for your injury claim

Our team of personal injury attorneys at Goodman Acker works hard to ensure that injured members of the community receive the compensation they deserve. Call our Detroit or Grand Rapids offices to schedule a consultation for personal injury.

The post How to File a Personal Injury Case in Detroit first appeared on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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