We should at least be concerned about the safety and well-being of our elderly, when we are caring for them. We need to understand what elder abuse is, how to stop it, and who to call for help.

You should contact a nursing home abuse attorney if you suspect that an elderly person is being mistreated, or if you believe you have been abused.

Here are some common reasons to hire an elder abuse lawyer:

Abuse of the body

You should call an elder abuse lawyer if you suspect that elderly people in your area or somewhere you know are being physically abused. Physical abuse is hitting or pushing.

Elder abuse also includes the misuse of drugs, confinement and restraints. Elder abuse also includes physical mistreatment of elderly people and forcing them to do something.

The second type of abuse is psychological

As we age, our minds tend to become less powerful, and this can be deadly. Psychological abuse is also a form of elder abuse that requires an elder abuse lawyer to be called upon.

Intimidation can include direct threats, yelling or screaming. It also includes humiliation in public, ridicule and unwarranted blaming or scapegoating. Ignoring is also considered psychological abuse. Psychological abuse can be committed by preventing an older person from doing the things they enjoy or excluding them from friends.

Three: Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse includes physical, sexual acts and activities that involve nonconsensual viewing of pornographic material. Sexual abuse is when an older person is forced to watch pornography, or intimidated into watching sex act.

Sexual abuse is when an elder is forced to remove their clothing or undress without consent. It is important to contact an elder abuse attorney if any of these things happen. A lawyer who has experience in elder abuse can help you deal with the situation and take legal action against the perpetrator or company.

Caregiver Neglect

This is a sad situation, as it accounts for more than half the cases of elder abuse reported in the United States. This involves either intentional or unintentional negligence while caring for the elderly or addressing their needs.

Imagine that an elderly person is not properly cared for, even though the institution has financial resources. The elder abuse lawyer will be needed to bring justice in this case.

Caregiver Fraud: 5 Examples

It is elder abuse if an institution charges for services that were not provided or double bills the patient. Elder abuse occurs when a health care institution receives kickbacks in exchange for referring patients or prescribing drugs.

Also, caregiver fraud is also treated when elders are over- or under-medicated. If you suspect that an institution is committing caregiver fraud against elders, it is important to immediately contact an elder abuse lawyer.

Money Abuse

Imagine you discover that an institution is misusing the money, assets, or property of a senior. It is then time to call an elder abuse lawyer and have him take the legal steps necessary. Even if it’s not an institute, elder abuse is still a crime.

Preventing elderly abuse

* Communicate with the person who has been abused by an elder.

* Show that you care about their financial well-being and welfare

You should be open to them and show them respect, since loneliness could be the reason behind their financial abuse. This means that someone may be taking advantage of them financially and being friendly to them.

* Speak up if you witness a crime. If the abuse is suspected but not reported to a person in authority, then it counts as a crime.

* Call 911 or adult protective services if you are concerned about the health of elderly people.

* Inform an elder abuse lawyer about the situation immediately.


The law punishes elder abuse. Anyone who faces elder abuse can protect themselves from any kind of abuse, whether it is financial, psychological, or physical. These cases are handled by Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers, so contacting them is your first priority. Call 561-655-1990 to schedule a consultation.

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